Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Night Before

The night before,
It occurred.
A little fear,
A little heart,
Came together for one night,
To talk,
and work out their troubles.

It was the night before,
That the possibility of change,
Will unfold over itself,
Turning into its true form.

That was when I,
The night before,
Was trying hard to allow my eyes to close,
Get encased in the darkness,
But my fingers trembled under the covers,
My eyes flickered like dying lightbulbs,
My had raced with thoughts about tomorrow.
Will the moon laugh at me,
When she sees me making a scene on the street,
With him?
Or will she falter her gaze and see upon my face,
 A confused look of bewilderment,
Of an early heartache?

It's always too soon to tell.
Too late to think,
When it comes to regretting,
But also loving,
The night before. 

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